Sunday, September 26, 2010

Article #2: A Serious Issue

Notes on my second research article. This was an opinion article on how parents need to treat binge drinking and drinking in general as a more serious problem, or at least start seeing it as a serious a problem as illegal drugs.

Mrs. Zurkowski
26 September 2010

Underage Binge Drinking
Gathering Information- Notes
"Treat binge drinking as a drug problem." Christian Science Monitor 8 Sept. 2006: 08. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 26 Sept. 2010.

·         Binge drinking rates among ages 12 to  20 are about twice the rates of drug use in that age range
·         “Communities trying to keep kids away from alcohol say many parents simply don’t treat [binge drinking] as seriously as they do drugs.”
·         A supervisor in Sioux Falls, SD says that some parents, when they find out that their children are drinking “‘…are relieved [their kids] aren’t using drugs. ‘It’s just alcohol’.’”
·         People who start drinking before 15 “are 5 times more likely to develop serious alcohol problems later on.”
·         Underage drinking usually involves large quantities of alcohol
·         “School antidrug and anti-alcohol programs are undermined if laws aren’t adequately enforced and parents take a cavalier attitude toward drinking as a rite of passage…”
·         Parents are largely ignorant to the presence of drugs and alcohol at parties, even supervised ones
·         Alcohol can harm mental capacity
·         There is a large availability of both drugs and alcohol to underage students
·         “[Parents] need to become as concerned about alcohol as they are about drugs.”

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