Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston has many, many symbols. This is a list of the most prominent symbols and some less prominent ones.
- Roots of Trees
- Symbolizes: African people without any roots
- Trees (especially the Pear Tree)
- Symbolizes: Janie's womanhood and coming of age
- Mule - Black Women
- Symbolizes: Black women getting the worst treatment in society
- Example: Logan tired of treating Janie as a princess and then wants her to work, so he buys her a mule for heavy labor
- Gate and Road
- Related to the metaphor in the beginning of the book
- Gate is the shore and the road represents the waves as Janie tries to find her dreams in the "sea"
- The New Horizon
- Janie is constantly looking over the gatepost, down the road, to a new horizon (a dream or new start)
- The Eatonville General Store
- Represents the center of the first all-black town
- The illumination of the lamppost
- Symbolizes: The start of a new all-black town
- Also shows that Joe Starks is all-powerful and likes to make others bow down to him, including Janie
- Joe and Janie's two-story house
- Represents his similarity to a plantation owner, while the townspeople would be like slaves living in shack-style homes
- Tobacco spittoon
- Represents Joe's wealth and power
- Head rag
- Symbolizes: Joe's control over Janie
- Long braid/hair
- Symbolizes: Janie's freedom
- Blue
- Tea Cake and Janie's willingness to make compromises in their relationship
- Symbol of love
- Fish and Frying fish
- Symbolizes: Sharing relationship between Janie and Tea Cake
- Checkers
- Symbolizes: Janie's equality in Tea Cake's mind
- Booker T and Mrs. Turner
- Booker T symbolizes getting rid of racism
- Mrs. Turner symbolizes racism, so does not like Booker T
- Dirt/Soil of the Muck
- The rich soil represents the working class, growth, and the ability to be oneself
- Hurricane
- Symbolizes: God's almighty power
- Rabid Dog
- Symbolizes: That when something good happens, life then changes; things can't stay the same
- Guitar
- Symbolizes: The playful side of people that is often shown in the Muck
- Overalls
- Symbolizes: The working side of people
- Packet of Seeds
- Symbolizes: New life and simultaneously remembering love
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