Someday, I would love to visit Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. This park was the first national park in America, established in 1872. This park is known for its incredible landscape and natural wonders, along with tons of wildlife that is a hint of the wilderness America used to be. In fact, Yellowstone contains 60% of the world's geysers along with mud pots, hot springs, petrified forests, and many waterfalls. The wildlife includes bison, grizzly bears, elk, and, one of my favorite animals, wolves. The weather in Yellowstone is very, very dry, with barely and rain and very dry snow. It usually gets extremely cold in winter and doesn't normally get above eighty degrees in summer. Therefore, if I were to travel there, I would need to be prepared for colder weather, no matter when I was traveling. I would also want to bring good clothes for outdoor activities. I would probably get to the park by plane, but driving accross the country would be an amazing adventure in itself.
If I went to Yellowstone, I think I would be most excited about seeing the variety of wildlife and some of the bizarre physical features. When I went to the Grand Tetons in sixth grade, we saw elk, bison, and wolves from a far distance, and I would love to have those experiences again. I would also be very excited to see the geysers and hot springs. One thing that I would really like to do is take a horse-back tour of Yellowstone. I love riding anyway, and I think that one of the best ways to really see amazing natural places is from the back of a horse.